By now you've seen this fellow around our webpage at least once or twice.
Our mascot-of-sorts -- who we feel truly embodies the fun-loving spirit of the Pyrates
Royale -- was created by our longtime friend, Bruce Porter.
Bruce was sharing some drinks with the captain when, seized by a sudden fit of inspiration,
(artists! sheesh!) he drew this face on a napkin. Or a coaster. Whatever.
Our captain dubbed him "Crusty." Seems appropriate. He may remind you of Keith Richards,
a rather more famous hard-living and careworn man of music. (A fellow Brit, too!)
Not Just Another Wacko Artist
Bruce should be familiar to a lot of Maryland Renaissance Festival goers. Obviously a very talented artist, he decorates faces, arms, legs, shoulders and even bosums with his own wonderful and creative painted designs. You'll often find a long line of customers waiting patiently at his tent near the Marketplace Stage. Just look for the sign that reads -- appropriately enough -- "Body Parts."
A professional illustrator, Bruce has also had time to create several "so ugly they're cool"
monsters, like this handsome purple guy on Darcy's chest, er, favorite t-shirt. Never a morning
person, she loves scaring the local yuppies by wearing this shirt when she gets a double tall
skim latte with extra foam at her neighborhood Starbucks.
Note: Not the wacko artist
After such an inauspicious beginning, Crusty has been showing up everywhere: on our flag, our CD covers, our t-shirts, even on the back of the captain's leg as a tattoo! Rumor has it that he won't be the only crewmember with a Crusty tattoo. (not to imply scabs or anything)
Not just another pretty leg
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He's not bad, he's just drawn that way... Oh okay, he's bad.